About Rivera Media

What's up homies! My name is David Rivera
I am a self-taught multimedia designer and artist with decades of professional experience. Rivera Media is my brand and primary creative outlet. It's the best way I could figure to get my art (and any knowledge I can share) directly to you.

I'm also a vegetarian, animal advocate, occasional musician, experienced web developer, and proponent of self-education. I believe with a strong foundation, you should be able to learn anything, or achieve any goal on your own. The resources will always present themselves.

My work is mostly inspired by my taste in comics, music, surrealism, imagination, and humor. At my core though, I'm really just a simple guy trying to make his family proud.

With this site, I hope to: support myself through my art, create comic books regularly, and to educate, entertain, and inspire others along the way. So please, have a look around and let me know what you think!

No matter what brought you here, I am super grateful and look forward to sharing this journey with you!

Don't be a stranger, just be strange...

--- David Rivera

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